Get Involved
Altamaha Riverkeeper Newsletter
Protect Georgia is a collaborative effort among environmental and conservation organizations throughout the state
(including ARK) to educate and mobilize their memberships utilizing a state-of-the-art electronic action alert system.
Several times a year (not more than once a month) activists receive an email that alerts you to respond to a particular
What’s great about Protect Georgia is that it automatically matches responses to the correct voting district,
includes contact information, and delivers each letter to your elected officials and all with one mouse click.
Reach Out to Decision Makers
Looking for an effective way to encourage your elected officials to do more to protect the environment?
Want to make sure that those in charge of enforcing environmental regulations are protecting our watershed?
It’s an easy way to get your message across to decision makers.
Help protect our incredible river system!
It's your water and your concerns that we work to protect and defend. Help us keep standing strong in protecting our incredible river system with a donation.